Legendary Closer Radio

50: Qualifying Leads Before Enrolling Into Premium Offerings - Live Sales Training

Episode Summary

When it comes down to enrolling individuals in your premium products, your coaching packages, your masterminds, qualifying decision-makers is very important to your business. That’s what I talk about in this episode. I’ll take you into actual live training. Stay tuned. --- Join, work with, and interact with closers just like yourself at http://bit.ly/siqfury

Episode Notes

When it comes down to enrolling individuals in your premium products, your coaching packages, your masterminds, qualifying decision-makers is very important to your business. That’s what I talk about in this episode.

I'm going to take you into an actual live training, a live event that I did, a complete mastermind where we had about 75 people in the room and I was actually challenged and I was asked to qualify the reason why I was making the statements, that you never move forward with the sale unless all decision-makers are either on the phone with you or in the room with you, and there are some main reasons. 

Now, you might be thinking of the reasons why, or you might be thinking: “Well, no, I'll just pitch them anyways and they can go home and talk to their spouse. Well, there are some positives and negatives to both of those answers. So we’ll get into the training and listen up here on the podcast, and see which is right. Stay tuned.

Key Takeaways:


Additional Resources:

The Legendary Closers Facebook Group

Unlock the Secrets to Closing Your Prospects


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