Legendary Closer Radio

45: When You're Doing Everything Right, And It All Seems To Go Wrong

Episode Summary

In this episode, I am going to be discussing something that no script can help you with, and that is when you're doing everything right, but it all seems to go wrong. There are times when you follow the script, but you are still not able to make the sale. I’m going to tell you how to overcome final concerns when it looks you are on the verge of closing. Stay tuned. --- Join, work with, and interact with closers just like yourself at http://bit.ly/siqfury

Episode Notes

In this episode, I am going to be discussing something that no script can help you with, and that is when you're doing everything right, but it all seems to go wrong. I remember the first time I actually recognized what was going on - I was actually on a call for selling a high priced item, high priced coaching, and mentoring courses. I thought I was having great conversations with the people I was looking to enroll. They loved the expert. They had a really strong bond with the material they had consumed already.

I was just looking for an opportunity to enroll them right away, get them into better products, get them working more closely with the person who is going to be coaching them, and teaching and helping them along the way. What I didn't realize was that although the conversation was going well, I was missing something, because at the end of the day, it was broken.

They had more questions. I wasn't able to close them, and it was very frustrating. The problem was that I wanted to overcome the need to handle a lot of objections and be able to help them with their concerns of buying, and help them get out of their own way to acquire what we were trying to sell them. And what I realized was that in those moments, I was making a bigger deal out of some of the questions, and they weren't objections. They were actually buyers’ questions. So, I’m going to tell you how to overcome the client's final concerns. Stay tuned.

Key Takeaways:


Additional Resources:

The book "Influence" by Robert Cialdini on Amazon

The book "Pre-Suasion" by Robert Cialdini on Amazon

The Legendary Closers Facebook Group

Unlock the Secrets to Closing Your Prospects


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